What level of ability is required in order to enrol in the workshop?
As a rough guide, it is suggested that students should be around grade 3 level in order to enrol in the workshop. Broadly, this can be seen as having a good level of control on the instrument, with some experience learning a number of different songs. This is to ensure that you are able to get the most out of the workshop. If you’d like to discuss this with me beforehand, just get in touch here to arrange a call.
What is the aim of the workshop?
I want to give musicians the chance to learn how to play in a band, in a welcoming and encouraging environment. Many students who have spent time learning independently feel that they have reached a point where they would like to take their playing and understanding of music to the next level. The ‘build a band’ workshops promise to show musicians how to interact with others in a musical way.
Do I need to learn the songs beforehand?
Yes, I will provide the notes and chord charts/notation needed to learn the songs prior to the workshop starting. Whilst we will spend some time talking through and providing some guidance on the songs, in order to get the most from the whole course, students will need to spend some time learning the material independently.
I’ve spent a long time learning to play independently, I’m nervous about playing with others!
Playing with others for the first time can be quite a daunting experience. One of the key initial aims of these workshop sessions is to build confidence. It may take a couple of weeks for some people to feel comfortable in a band environment but the workshops will provide an encouraging place where everyone will be given the chance to participate at their own pace.
What is there to learn about playing in a band? You learn the song, show up and play, right?
Playing as part of a band is about working as part of a team and learning how to communicate. What happens if the singer misses the chorus, the drummer drops his sticks or the guitarist forgets the middle eight? Knowing how to count in or end a song, or how to play in time with four other people is not an easy skill. This workshop will show you how elevate your enjoyment of music through playing with other musicians.
What sort of music will we play?
The material that we’ll cover throughout the ten weeks will almost entirely consist of pop/rock music. There are many great songs but in my opinion, only a relatively small selection of songs lend themselves well to being suitable to be included as part of a band workshop course. Whilst there is an appeal to learning a number of styles, being able to adapt to the nuances of different types of music will detract from our primary focus of learning music which fits well within a band format.
What Equipment will I need?
Silent Hill Studios will provide keyboards, guitar & bass amps, drum kit, vocal mics and a PA. Guitarists and bass players will need to bring their instruments and drummers should bring sticks. Please take care of the borrowed equipment during the workshop sessions.